Sunday, August 29, 2010

Introducing ME - part 2

I'm back - a third day in a row.  Maybe, I'll continue this.  We'll see.

I realized yesterday after I published my introduction that I really didn't touch on ME.... who I am - those things are things I like, but who am I.

I'm just a girl who can't say no!  - haha , I couldn't resist putting in lyrics from a musical - you can find the lyrics here - Oklahoma it actually describes me, no???

Anyway, I'm just a girl who works hard, whose life revolves around her kids and wouldn't be standing without her friends support and love all these years.

I'm sarcastic and sometimes can come up with some pretty witty one-liners.  I think I'm pretty funny.  I'm also super modest and humble... cough.  I will randomly break into song and dance - no matter where I am.  My girl Whitney and I decided that one day we'd move to Williamsburg so we could dress up like old timey women and make candles but what would be different is that we'd sing and dance while doing it. 

I mean, if you can't sing and dance - where is the fun in life???

I'm extremely tender hearted.  I'm not embarrassed to cry while reading a blog, or watching a video or cheering for my favorite football team.  I cry at church on Christmas Eve when we sing Silent Night.  How can you not?  What a special time, if you think about the words.  And who can't cry on Easter when you sing Christ the Lord is risen today?  I'm just not afraid to show it.  And my favorite hymn of all time is Holy Holy Holy.... gets me every time.

Shoot, I could be listening to the radio and some sappy story will come on and I'll cry.  Sometimes I cry at work but that's usually when I'm watching a kid get their wish granted and they are happy tears. 

But more than crying, I love to laugh.  I've been told I have an infectious laugh - which I think means loud and obnoxious.  But that's okay.  I like being loud (and sometimes obnoxious).

I'm also an incredibly private person - so, we'll see how I open up on this blog.  I don't mind being by myself.  But, I do get lonely and that stinks.  I want so much to love someone.... to have that someone special to give to.  I'm just waiting..... and waiting.... hahaha!  There are only a select few whom I trust to tell everything to.  Boy, they sure are lucky. 

I love men.  That's for the girls who know me best.  They'll get it. 

That's all for now. 


1 comment:

Kathi said...

Um, yeah, that last line...I get it. LOL

We're 2 peas in a pod, I cry all the time too! LOL

love you