Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introducing..... ME!

Right, so I'm doing good.  I'm actually blogging a second day in a row. 

So, you want to know all about me - yes, you do - or you wouldn't be reading.  I'm going to make lists since I things to do and people to see.

First and most importantly is that I'm a Christian. 

The reason I chose the name for this blog (and trust me, it wasn't a painless process - ask my friends) is because I've always wanted to be famous.  I can see myself accepting an Academy Award for best something.  I can see myself on Broadway singing and dancing my way across the stage and at one time, I could see myself as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader but I might not be right for their uniforms or lack there of.  I also still want to be a lawyer and then a judge.  Wouldn't that be fun?

I'm divorced.... blah, blah blah.....

I have two precious little angels - okay they aren't so little - C is 16 (and a 1/2) and J will be 15 in September... crap, that is next month.  Two kids driving.  Stay out of Cordova and Germantown - for real.

I love football.  I adore it.  I grew up in Miami and the Dolphins and Hurricanes were what we (I) lived for!  I was a cheerleader in elementary school, middle school and High School for football and loved every second of it.  Life lead me to go to Ole Miss (can I get a Hotty Toddy) and I promise you, there is NOTHING like SEC football.  It is passionate and crazy and just so much fun to watch and be a part of.  My favorite teams:
Miami Dolphins of course
Florida Gators
and now the Broncos (yummy Tim Tebow)
I used to be a Brett Favre fan until he started all of his foolishness.  While he is still eye candy, I have lost respect.  I know he cares.

I'm a voracious reader.  If you put it in front of me, I will probably read it.  My favorite books include (and I know I'm forgetting something):
A Prayer for Owen Meany - if you haven't read this, you should
To Kill A Mockingbird - who doesnt' love this book?
Litlle Women and Little Men - what girl doesn't want to be Jo?
The Thorn Birds - scandalous
A Wrinkle in Time - old school
Water for Elephants - I just read this this year and LOVED it!
the Outlander Series - named my dog after the main character - all 18 names

A Reality TV junky - sadly - I watch
Big Brother - this season is pitifully boring - this is going on my "to-do" list - I'm GOING to be on this show!
Real World/Road Rules challenge - they always have a different name for it - like the Gauntlet, but I love it!
Survivor - at one time I thought I could do it but I don't like to get my hands dirty, so I'm not sure that I wouldn't just swim home
Teen moms - okay who doesn't love Caitlynn and Tyler?
Jersey shore - you know you secretly love to watch this trainwreck - who doesn't love Snooki and Vinni - I can do without the Situation

My favorite smells:
freshly cut grass
puppy breath
new crayola crayones
Mr. Sketch Markers
meat cooking on the grill
baking cake
the ocean

Favorite things to eat:
anything Italian
seafood - well, shellfish only
bagels - not the sweet kind - with cream cheese

Movies and Musicals
Grease - I have some stories regarding this one - one of my favorite days of my life was when Lisa and I tried out for Grease in Hawaii.  Still brings a tear to the eye
Mary Poppins - I cried when she left
Wicked - I cry every time I listen to Defying Gravity - really
Life is Beautiful - RENT THIS - amazing movie
Passion of the Christ
Dumb and Dumber - I paid to see this twice - and have seen it countless times - it just doesn't get old
Drop Dead Fred - fantastic movie
Shawshank Redemption - isn't this on everyone's list?
the original Halloween
Breakfast Club - I know every single word to this and Grease... every word.
St. Elmo's Fire
Life - wish Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence - fab!

Music - what's on the ol' ipod:
Jimmy Buffet
Blink 182
Justin Timberlake
Katy Perry
the Outfield
Steve Miller Band
Grateful Dead
Matthew West
Chris Tomlin
Toby Mac
Addison Road
and a whole lot more

Okay - I think that's all you need to know at this time.  Aren't you glad you know so much?  I


Kathi said...

Ok, so we're going to have to talk about a few of these things....Jersey Shore, seriously? LOL.
Actually, there are a few things on your lists that I didn't know....go figure!
Love you!


Michele said...

Yay!! Yippee're back to blogging! Love it and I will be here reading. =)