Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My First Love

Okay, so Kathi is the one who challenged me to this 30 day blogging thing.  She told me that I've already messed up.  I've messed up the order AND I didn't blog yesterday, so after being properly chastised, I will be blogging twice today to catch up and then keep this thing up!!!  Thank you, Kathi :)

My angels eating frosting!

Okay, my first love (s).  I know you all will be disappointed to find out that I'm blogging about my kids.  You want to know what men I've loved.  Well, I can tell you that my first boyfriend and even my ex-husband..... I can't say that I really truly loved them.  I thought I was in love, but I wasn't.  I think since then I've been in love and recently, too.  But, there is nothing that can compare to the love I feel for my kids.  I had no idea how this would feel.  They are my life and my life revolves around them.

When Cole was born, I just had no idea what in the world I was doing.  I was scared..... but I was fiercely in love with this little red-headed child.  He and I were attached at the hip - or boob.  He didn't take a bottle, so, it was just me and him in the wee hours of the night. 

Then, my sweet Pip was born - they are 19 months apart.  We lived in Hawaii and the ex was gone almost the whole pregnancy.  It was tough, chasing a toddler around and big as a house.  It was even tougher having a toddler and a new born.... both attached at the hip and Jake at the boob... 

these two kids took ahold of my heart and showed me what complete unconditional love is.  I don't care how rotten they can get, they aren't rotten enough for me not to love.  They are really such good guys.  They are polite, giving, caring, friendly, smart, funny as all get out, silly, dorky, Christian young men.  I adore them and as much as I say I'm counting the years until they are out on their own.... I don't know what I'm going to do when they are gone.  My friend Tricia said I'd need a dress made out of tissue when they graduate high school.... and dear Lord, when they get married, will I be the MIL from hell???

So, there you have it.  My first loves.  Now I just need a man to shower my love on!

1 comment:

Kathi said...

I shoulda known you would go this route. :) At least you blogged. I greatly appreciate it. LOL

They are good kiddos and I loled when I read what Tricia said....It was funny then and funny now. :)

Love you!
