Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Favorite Memory

Okay - this isn't hard but of course, I have two favorite memories.  The birth of my babies :)

Cole - Brad and I decided to go to Lamaze classes.  We saw the videos of babies being born without drugs.  I was like, "No problem - if they can do it, I can do it".  That is until the labor pains decided to be more than I thought they could be.  Too bad for me, I was too far along for an epidural.  I was so tense, I wouldn't dialate but they couldn't get me the epidural.  To make things worse, I had a male doctor and 2 male nurses and my husband standing there like my head was spinning around.  I pointed at each of them and said, " F' you, F you, F you, and F you!  I want drugs and I want them now!" (not my proudest moment) They were able to give me something in my IV to help me relax and then it was time to push.  That sweet little angel was perfect.  He had strawberry blonde hair and a really, really large conehead from being stuck so long.  Bless his heart.  The minute I saw him, I was in awe.  What a miracle.  Thank you, Lord for him.

Jake - my sweet little Pippy was two weeks late and I was as big as a house.  The minute my 14th day came, I called the hospital and told them I was on my way and they better have a bed....I called at 5am.  I also told them to find the anesthesiologist because I was having an epidural as soon as possible!  We got to the hospital and they thought they'd have to induce but it was God's perfect timing because I had started to contract.  I got my room, and had to wait until I was dialated enough and the Dr. came in with his big shot and I was ready!  I had a big nurse with huge boobs.  she was patting my hand as I hunched over and Brad was holding me.  He was looking over my shoulder and so interested in the big needle that he forgot his job to hold me still.  thank God for my big nurse with big boobs.  She scooted Brad out of the way and held me and comforted me.  She was just what I needed.  Then we sat there for a few more hours, watched Melrose Place (in Hawaii, it came on at 2pm).  Then I had my Pip.  He looked like Ernest Borgnine - scrunched up little face.  He was just as precious as my Cole.  Thank you, Lord for this gift! 

Those are my favorite moments - being able to see my sweet boys and bring them into this world.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Shouldn't it be illegal to have like an all male staff in a delivery room? That just doesn't seem right. LOL