Monday, September 13, 2010

My Siblings

I'm on a roll.... I may even catch up to where I should be!

Okay, this is going to be short and sweet.  I know that I should add pictures to my posts to make them more colorful, but if I'm to catch up and not be called Southern names by Kathi, then I must continue on without pictures.

So, I've got an older brother.  I don't talk to him.  Not much to say about that.  I know you all would love to know the juicy details but you won't ever find out, so let's just move on.

I have two step-sisters.  Their momma married my dad.  I love them.  I rarely get to see Linda - maybe once a  year, at Christmas, if they come in town.  I will tell you though that I love being around her when I get the chance.  She is a) gorgeous - she reminds me of Faith Hill and b) she is so stinkin' nice.  She and her family live in TX and I don't get to travel as much as I'd like, so we only see them when they travel here.  I adore her sons, Matt, Luke and Will.  They are such wonderful young men.  I can't believe that they are growing up so fast and are teenagers (almost all of them).  They are fabulous!

My other step-sis Kathy, well, I could go on and on about her.  Some of my readers know her - :)  Kathy is probably one of the nicest, most generous people I've ever met.  She looks nothing like Linda, to me, but is so, so beautiful.  Funny how that is, huh?  They have good genes.  Kathy has four kids and one grandchild, Kate (who is the princess of the family).  Kathy and her husband Jeff are what I want my marriage to look like - if it ever happens.  I'm sure they have their moments, but they stick together and have fun together.  I very much look up to Kathy and I'm happy to call her sister.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Southern names? Well, I never! :)